The Ugly Truth About 

“I’m  Colourblind" in Relationships-

What You Need to Know.

𝄞𝄞 Embracing Love Beyond Boundaries. 

Dating without taking a person's race into consideration, also known as being "colourblind," actually has negative effects instead of positive ones. 

💞This approach fails to acknowledge the importance of a person's cultural background in the dating process. When individuals claim to be "colourblind" in their dating lives, it means that they don't consider a person's race when deciding whether or not to date them or how to treat them in a relationship. While this may seem like a progressive concept, I believe it can be harmful in practice.

People who adopt a "colourblind" mindset often overlook their own biases when it comes to race. Implicit biases exist within everyone, whether they are aware of them or not. These biases can influence who someone chooses to date and how they interact with partners from different racial backgrounds. A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships in 2016 found that white college-aged men who claimed to be "colourblind" were generally less attracted to black women compared to those who embraced multiculturalism and were more open to dating outside their racial group.


💞While some individuals may genuinely strive for colorblindness in their dating experiences, it's important to consider the depth and authenticity of their relationships. Disregarding a person's background means disregarding a part of their identity. By ignoring their skin color, you are erasing the experiences they have had as a person of color, an immigrant, or someone who identifies with a specific cultural background. Those who fail to acknowledge their partner's race or culture may struggle to understand the challenges these partners face, making it more difficult to establish a meaningful connection.



Instead of adopting a colourblind approach, it is more beneficial to ask questions and genuinely seek to understand your partner. Be genuinely curious about how their identity shapes them as individuals, and be willing to have open discussions about your racial and cultural differences.
